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Mixed carnations
£32.95With a long-lasting vase life, this bouquet of standard (single flower to one stem) and spray (multiple flowers to each stem) carnations is a classic… -
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Purple Passion
From £26.95–£45.95A stunning bouquet of purple, pink, and white blooms creates a vibrant display. The rich hues harmonize beautifully, evoking feelings of joy and elegance, perfect… -
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From £26.95–£45.95A multicoloured bright bouquet in vivid colours. The flower content will vary throughout the year but will include some of the following depending what is… -
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From £26.95–£45.95A cheerful yellow and orange bouquet, guaranteed to brighten up any room. The flowers will vary throughout the year but will include some of the… -
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Pink and White Bouquet
From £26.95–£45.95A delicate pink and white bouquet of seasonal flowers. The contents of this bouquet vary throughout the year depending on the seasons but will have… -
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All in White
From £26.95–£45.95A sophisticated, stunning white bouquet of seasonal blooms available in three sizes. Free delivery Long vase life Grown in Guernsey Delivered in bud for… -
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Heirloom Mix
£32.95A traditional flower bouquet featuring two of our best-loved heirloom flowers, scented freesia and heirloom carnations, all grown in our nursery in Guernsey. Delivered in… -
Rated 5.00 out of 5(3 reviews)
Seasonal bouquet
From £26.95–£45.95This seasonal floral bouquet contains a variety of classic flowers picked daily at the nursery. Choices of flowers change with the seasons to ensure freshness… -
Rated 5.00 out of 5(5 reviews)
Heritage mix
£32.95A traditional flower bouquet of beautiful heritage flowers including scented freesia and heirloom carnations all grown in our nursery in Guernsey. Delivered in a protective…